Integrate Storagely with SiteLink

Storagely is natively integrated with SiteLink to ensure that units, prices, availability, and info is always up-to-date in real-time.

In order for Storagely to integrate with your SiteLink account, you will need to create a user for Storagely within SiteLink.

Here's how:

Step 1:

Login to SiteLink Corporate Control Center

Step 2:

Click "Users" under the "Corporate Users and Rights" tab in the Corporate Management section.

Step 3:

Click "Add" to create a new user

Step 4:

  • In the 9a box select "All Sites'

  • In the 9b boxselect:

    • API Aggregator

    • API All Reports

    • API Insurance Reports

    • API Regular

    • Corporate Administrator

    • Revenue Management

    • Site Management

  • In the 9c box:

    • Enter a username:
      enter "storagely"

    • Enter password:
      make sure the password is strong. Generate strong password here.

      • ***Make sure you save this password somewhere so you can send it to Storagely.***

    • Confirm Password:
      enter the same password from the previous field

    • Email Address:
      enter ""

    Then click "OK" in the bottom Right.


Once you've completed this step, please add the login credentials to your Onboarding Questionnaire in the "INTEGRATION REQUIREMENTS" section.


If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask!