How To: Update your name servers with your domain registrar

While the Storagely onboarding team is preparing your new website, we need you to point your name servers to our DNS manager.

  • We need you to update the name servers to prepare the domain for when we are ready to launch the site
  • This is not going to impact your current website in any way, it is just getting some of these details lined up so we don't need to worry about them later when we're ready to launch 

We partner with Cloudflare for this service. By updating your name servers, the existing DNS records and settings will be automatically sent to Cloudflare without any loss in your settings. Once this is updated it will allow our team to launch your new website once you have approved it.

Step 1:

Login to your domain registrar. This is the company that you pay for your domain name. Often this will be companies like GoDaddy, 1 and 1, Google Domains, etc.

Here are some tutorials for the popular domain companies.

Step 2:

Navigate to DNS Management within your domain registrar.

Step 3:

Locate your nameserver information.

Step 4:

Replace the existing nameserver information with the following nameservers. It will likely give you a warning asking if you really want to make this change. As long as you have copied and pasted the correct information into your name servers, there should be no problems.


Once you've completed this, please let Storagely know!